Chinatungsten Online fabrique et fournit différents Carbure de tungstène nouvelle catégories. Carbure de tungstène nouvelle catégorie comme suit:
Grade | Typical Property Values | Performance & Applications | Equivalent to ISO |
Density g/cm3 |
Bending Strength N/mm2 |
Hardness HRA |
YT715 | 11.3 | 1760 | 92.0 | Dureté rouge élevée et résistance à l'usure. Moyenne finition à la finition de l'acier allié avec haute résistance. | P10~P20 |
YT712 | 11.8 | 1750 | 92.0 | Haute résistance à l'usure et excellente résistance aux chocs. Usinage de l'acier à haute résistance, des t?les d'acier au manganèse et de l'acier inoxydable, | P10~P20/M10 |
YT707 | 12.2 | 1650 | 92.0 | Résistance à l'usure élevée avec des propriétés complètes souhaitables Usinage de l'acier allié à haute résistance, acier rapide et acier, | P10/M10 |
YT758 | 13.2 | 1960 | 92.0 | Haute dureté à haute température et haute résistance à l'usure Coupe continue ou intermittente de l'acier avec une grande résistance. | P10~P20/M20 |
YT798 | 12.3 | 1910 | 91.5 | Haute ténacité et haute résistance aux chocs thermiques et à la déformation plastique. Fraisage de l'acier allié, de l'acier allié à l'outil, de l'acier au manganèse et de l'acier inoxydable. | P20~P25/M20 |
YT767 | 13.1 | 1800 | 92.0 | Haute résistance à l'usure et haute résistance à la déformation plastique Coupe continue ou intermittente de l'acier au manganèse et de l'acier inoxydable. | M10~M20 |
YT726 | 14.2 | 1610 | 92.5 | High red hardness and wear resistance. Turning and Milling of chilled cast irons, cast alloy irons and quenched steel. | K05~K10/M20 |
YT6S | 13.5~14.7 | 1500 | 91 | Having the same wear resistance as YG6X but higher toughness. for tobacco cutters and rough and finish milling of cast iron. | K10 |
ZC1 | 13.7~14.2 | 1600 | 91 | Coated substrate of higher toughness and red hardness, for semi-finishing or finishing of carbon steel and alloy steel, generally for threading tools | P15~P25 |
ZC2 | 13.3~13.7 | 1800 | 90.5 | Coated substrate with higher toughness and slightly less wear resistance than ZC1, for semi-finishing and roughing after coating. | P25~P35 |
YT730 | 13.0 | 1900 | 91 | Having higher impact and heat shock resistance, for rough turning, milling and planning of carbon steel, alloy steel, hi-Mn steel, hi-strength steel and cast steel. | P20~P30 M20~M30 |
YT790 | 12.4 | 1800 | 91 | Better, toughness, wear resistance high impact resistance thermal cracking resistance, and plastic deformation resistance for rough turning ,milling and planning of steel, esp. forgings and castings scales. | P25~P30 |
YT770 | 12.8~12.95 | 1900 | 91 | High toughness. wear resistance and heat shock resistance. for milling and medium speed and full-feed turning of steel, cast steel, alloy steel, stainless steel and hi-Mn steel. | P30 |
YT769 | 12.4~13.4 | 1850 | 90 | Of higher impact toughness than YT798, for vertical rough milling cutters, indexable shallow hole drills, saw web and cut off tools for machining of high strength steel and quality alloy steel. | P30~P35 |
YG600 | 14.9 | 1550 | 93.5 | High red hardness, wear resistance and thermal strength under high temperature. Machining of cast irons. quenched steel. non-ferrous metals and non-metallic materials | K01~K05 |
YG610 | 14.6 | 1720 | 93.0 | Good thermal strength and high wear resistance .Continuous or intermittent? cutting of cast irons, refractory alloys and quenched steel? | K01~K10 |
YG643 | 13.7 | 1800 | 92.5 | High wear resistance, high resistance to oxidation and to bonding Machining of cast irons, refectory alloys, stainless steel, quenched steel and non-ferrous materials | K05~K10/M10 |
YG813 | 14.4 | 2100 | 91.5 | Optimum wear resistance, high bending strength and high resistance to bonding . Machining of refractory alloys, stainless steel and high manganese steel, etc. | K10~K20/M20 |
YG640 | 13.2 | 2410 | 91.0 | Good thermal strength, high resistance to wear, impact and oxidation. Continuous or intermittent cutting of heavy work pieces of cast irons, milling and planning of refractory steel with high strength. | K30~K40/M40 |
YG522 | 14.3 | 1850 | 92.5 | High wear resistance, high strength and higher service endurance than the same tool fabricated by Taiwan, esp. for bamboo and wood processing, and for cutting of non-ferrous metals and non-metallic materials. | K05~K20 |
YG524 | 14.6 | 2400 | 91.0 | High strength alloy with high toughness and impact resistance ,for milling and planning of large bamboo and wood surfaces. | K20~K30 |
YG532 | 14.1 | 1960 | 92.0 | High hardness and toughness. Machining of cast irons. stainless steel, and refractory alloys. etc. | K10~K20/M20 |
YG546 | 14.6 | 2150 | 90.0 | Good toughness, high strength, capable of resisting high impact load, Roughing of stainless steel and cast irons. | K30~K40 |
YT535 | 12.7 | 1980 | 90.5 | Wear resistance red hardness better than YT540 and high strength in use.? Continuous rough turning and milling of cast or forged steel. | P25~P35 |
YT540 | 12.6 | 2300 | 90.0 | Good' toughness and good shock resistance. Suitable for low to medium speed cutting. | P40 |
Plus d'informations>>
1.Le carbure de tungstène
2.Barre de carbure de tungstène
3.Tige de carbure de tungstène
4.Buse en carbure de tungstène
5.Bouton de carbure de tungstène
6.Inserts en carbure de tungstène
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