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Ev >> Tungsten Karbür Kaplama >>A??nd?r?c? Endüstriyel Kaplama

A??nd?r?c? Endüstriyel Kaplama

Abrasive industrial coating like tungsten carbide are perfect for coating tools that need to cut composites, fiberglass, rubber and plastics. Other applications that are perfect for using crushed tungsten carbide are grinding wheels, gripper wheels or sleeves. These Industrial coatings combine the natural durability of diamonds with the sharpness of tungsten carbide grit, making for a much longer lasting surface and lower expense than a diamond surface.

Grinding Wheel Coating

Custom Grinding Wheels, that can be used for profiling and shaping of fiberglass, are just one of the applications that make use of Industrial Coatings like tungsten carbid. Other uses are drum grinders for planing of fiberglass panels or conveyor belt friction bands that can be mounted on rollers to prevent slipage.

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4.Tungsten Karbür U?lar
5.Tungsten Karpit Plakalar?

CHINATUNGSTEN ONLINE, 20 y?l? a?k?n bir süredir, tungsten ürünlerinin, ?zellikle semente karbür ürünlerinin üretiminde uzmanla?m??t?r. Bu web sitesindeki ürünlerle ilgili herhangi bir sorunuz varsa, lütfen bize e-posta ile g?ndermekten ?ekinmeyin: sales@chinatungsten.com

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